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2024-2025 Membership Renewal

Please enter $ amount of Membership Type
The mission of Sisterhood is to support and strengthen our synagogue and community by providing educational, spiritual, and social opportunities for female identified individuals of our congregation; and, pursuing social action to benefit the community. Sisterhood financially supports many synagogue functions.
The mission of Men's Club is to support and strengthen our synagogue and community by providing educational, spiritual, and social opportunities for male identified individuals of our congregation; and to create a sense of brotherhood within our Jewish community.
If enrolling children in Talmud Torah (our religious school), please complete the information below regarding the number of children you wish to enroll. Please also complete the religious school registration form to complete important information about your children.
Please choose 1 here to enroll your first child in Religious School ($250). Additional children may be enrolled on the next form. Please complete the Religious School Enrollment Form that can be found on the Membership Renewal Email. Choose 1 or more on the next Enrollment choice to enroll more children.
Please choose the number of additional children to enroll in Religious School ($125 per additional child). Please complete the Religious School Enrollment Form that can be found on the Membership Renewal Email.
Please enter amount of contribution to year-end gift for teacher, if desired.
Do you plan to enroll in Bar or Bat Mitzvah instruction this year? If so, please make the select the number of individuals requiring instruction in the next field.
Please indicate the number of individuals who are enrolling in Bar/Bat Mitzvah instruction ($360 per individual).
Building rental is required for all B'nai Mitzvah celebrations.  Rental fee includes an additional cleaning of the building prior to the event, use of the kitchen and associated equipment and dinnerware, and use of synagogue tables, chairs, linens, table decorations, and the social hall.

For B'nai Mitzvah celebrations, the rental fee covers use of the building for both Friday and Saturday.  For all other rentals, the fee only covers one calendar day's use.

Building rental is $200 per occasion.
The Rabbi's Discretionary Fund (RDF) enables our rabbi to lend support, care, and kindness (Chessed) to those in the community who need it. The RDF also financially supports the synagogue in a variety of ways (e.g., member financial support, books, religious items, etc.). If you are able, your consideration of an additional commitment in any amount would be greatly appreciated.
A Simcha Leaf is an optional way to recognize or honor someone or a family. Many of the reasons people purchase a Simcha Leaf for display in the Shul include B'nai Mitzvah, graduation, wedding, or other milestone events. To customize your Simcha Leaf, please contact Carol Woodruff at at your convenience.
It has been a long-standing tradition that each CBS member sponsor at least one Oneg Shabbat for Friday night services during the year. However, we understand that times change and many of you are unable to fill that time commitment. In order to continue to be able to offer something sweet to welcome Shabbat, we are asking for voluntary donations to cover the cost of Onegs. Sponsorship includes purchase of a challah, wine, grape juice, and assorted sweets for Erev Shabbat, or bagels, cream cheese, juice and fruit for Shabbat morning bunch.

Would you like to sponsor a Friday night Oneg or a Saturday morning bagel brunch this year? Please choose the number of Onegs you would like to sponsor.

Oneg Sponsorship is $36 per occasion.
Each year, we will rely on income from our endowment and from the generosity of our members to advance our mission and to ensure that membership is accessible to everyone. Membership dues only cover about 60% of our annual budget. If you are able, your consideration of an additional commitment in any amount would be greatly appreciated.
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Mon, March 10 2025 10 Adar 5785