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Adult Education

Come learn!

Adult education opportunities here at CBS include Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah prep, evening classes, a conversion program, and once-a-month Torah and Bagel brunch with Rabbi Rose.  Often, lively discussion develop during the Friday night davar, or Rabbi's teaching, as well.

Please E-Mail Rabbi Rose to Register --

Our courses for Winter 2025 are listed below: 


Continuing Intro to Judaism Class for Prospective Converts

For Prospective Converts and Jews Who Just Would Like to Learn/Review
          Weekly, 6 Tuesdays 7:00pm beginning Jan. 16, 7 pm
          Open to Everyone



Beginning Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class


The time is right!  Learn the prayers, songs and skills necessary to lead Shabbat Services.  This 6 week course focuses on basic Hebrew, words, prayers and songs, to be followed by further courses over the next several months leading to chanting Torah and your own or group Bar/Bat Mitzvah!  (Or perhaps you just want to learn more about the prayer service or chanting Torah--this is the place for you as well!) 

Prerequisite:  Elementary knowledge of Hebrew letters, vowels and beginning decoding (reading very slowly...).  Please speak with Rabbi Rose if you are interested.  Book fee.

    Starts Tuesday, Jan. 14, 6pm.


An Introduction to the Koran, for Jews

A six week course, exploring the origin, content and themes of the Koran, with special emphasis on the stories of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs we share--with some interesting differences. 

Come ask the questions you've always wanted to ask! 

Please get this text:  the Penguin edition of The Koran, translation by Dawood (available on Amazon for $11.95).  It's essential we use the same translation, and this one is excellent.

Mon, March 10 2025 10 Adar 5785