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Congregation Bayt Shalom

Located at: 
4351 East 10th Street
Greenville NC 

Established in 1975, Congregation Bayt Shalom strives to meet the diverse needs of Jewish people in eastern North Carolina. We are associated with both the Reform and Conservative Jewish movements.

Congregation Bayt Shalom is your connection to Judaism and Jewish community in eastern North Carolina. We would be pleased to welcome you to our family.  We are an active congregation with meaningful worship services, a vibrant religious school, stimulating adult education programs, a lively Sisterhood and  social activities, with a commitment to tikkun olam.  

The congregation's Rabbi and Spiritual Leader is Rabbi Dawn Rose, PhD
Rabbi Rose's phone number is 917-673-2226. 
Her email address is

High Holy Day Schedule

No Tickets Ever Needed
Please Bring a Sack of Non-Perishable Groceries for the Food Bank Instead!

Please notice some times have changed from last year.

Oct. 2        Wed.    Erev Rosh Hashanah               7pm
Oct. 3        Thur.    Rosh Hashanah Morning         10am

Oct. 4         Fri.      Tashlich                                         5:30pm
                             Erev Shabbat Service                   6pm
                                 Potluck Dairy/Veggie Oneg -- Finger food Only
                                      Bring your folding/lawn chairs
                                     Tashlich and Service at Wildwood Park
                                     *Address Below     

Oct. 11    Fri.        Kol Nidrei
Oct. 12    Sat.        Yom Kippur Morning Service     10am
                             Torah Study with Rabbi Rose      3pm
                                 on Teshuvah
                             Meditation in Sanctuary                4
                             Minha -- Afternoon Service           5
                            Yizkor                                               5:40
                             Neilah -- Concluding Service         6
                             Break-Fast                                      6:45

          *Wildwood Park
          3450 Blue Heron Dr., Greenville

              Tashlich -- Beach/Boat Dock 
              Service/Oneg -- Covered Picnic Area
                  (All Wheelchair Accessible)


Looking Ahead:

Oct. 13    Sun.      Sukkah Building                            10am
                            All are Welcome to Come and Help

Oct. 17-23           Sukkah Available for Meals, Lulav and General Happiness
                                Please contact the Rabbi

Oct. 18                Erev Shabbat Service/Sukkot        6pm
                                Pizza in the Hut
                                Waving of Lulav

Oct. 19    Sat.      Shabbat Morning Service/Sukkot 10am
                            Torah Study w/ Bagels                 11am
                                In the Sukkah as Possible
                                Waving of Lulav

Oct. 26    Fri.        Simhat Torah Service                   6pm
                                Unrolling of the Torah
                                General Happiness


All size gifts help to sustain the synagogue. Donations to the synagogue are always deeply appreciated. 

We gratefully accept credit card donations and dues payments using this link:

We also accept checks made out to Congregation Bayt Shalom and mailed to
Congregation Bayt Shalom, PO Box 2713, Greenville, 27836  – Attn Treasurer

Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784